- Whey Predominant Formula- Supports Easy Digestion.
- 100%Lactose- Supports growth of good bacteria which help maintain a healthy digestive system.
- Nucleotides-Help support immune function.
- Nucleotides,Zinc selenium, Iron, Vitamin A, C, E , Beta Carotene- supports immune function.
- Brain Growth and Development + Immunity.
- Omega3 and 6 fatty acids (precursors of DHA and ARA) help in visual function and brain development.
- BetterLA; ALA Ratio.
- Taurine,Choline- Helps support brain development,
- Nucleotides-Helps support immune function.
Farex Gentle Follow-up Formula Stage 3 Powder is an infant milk-substitute powder. It contains the optimal quality milk fat and whey protein, which helps in improving the gut health of the baby. The nucleotides in the formula help improve the baby's immunity. This formula is ideal for children between 12-24 months.